We want to do business with people or brands we like & have forged a bond with.

— Dr. Robert Cialdini

Books we love!

Books we love!

Below please find books we frequently recommend to our clients. If you are looking for something specific and can’t find below, please email us at ashley@thesleepytot.com and we’re happy to provide further recommendations!

Often times in consults, our clients are looking for ideas to get them started. These are a few of our favorite items - but remember, no bassinet, pacifier, sleep sack, or toddler clock will magically fix everything. And you should ALWAYS talk to your pediatrician about the safety questions with any child product. We do not endorse any product or service and cannot verify the safety or efficacy of anything listed on this page.

Note: these are affiliate links and The Sleepy Tot may receive a commission from any purchase.

Our Amazon Favorites

Our Book

*Great for sleep regressions

Hidden ZZZ's: A guide to soothing and outsmarting your sleepy tot

Let’s face it Mama and Dada, you’re tired! And getting through a dissertation of a book is the last thing you can squeeze into your exhausting day. Hidden ZZZs provides the solution in a short, easy to read format that quickly gives you the answers for sleep struggles you’ll encounter from newborns to toddlers. Imagine FINALLY getting a full night’s sleep and having a little one who naps consistently and without much struggle. It really is possible! Author and speaker Ashley McCollum details how to help children sleep better during naps and through the night. In Hidden ZZZs, she provides concrete tips and tricks that you can implement immediately to allow your child to become a better sleeper. This book will transform your sleepy tot into a refreshed and happy baby.In this book you’ll learn:•Secrets from the infant sleep coaching business (and how to implement them yourself)•The most common sleep struggles that infants and toddlers go through (and tips to get through each)•The basics of sleep training (and tricks to start you off on the right foot)

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